• Imaging Devices Div. Since 1953, we have developed and manufactured world’s first and peerless products monopolizing the world’s market shares twice in different product fields.
    Imaging Devices Division

    Since 1953, we have developed and manufactured world’s first and peerless products monopolizing the world’s market shares twice in different product fields.

  • International Trade Div. We manage our own rental properties by making the most of surplus assets that had been stocked up during our mass production in camera business.
    International Trade Division

    We oversee international sales of GOKO products and import products throughout our long-term partnerships.

  • Real Estate Div. We manage our own rental properties by making the most of surplus assets that had been stocked up during our mass production in camera business.
    Real Estate Division

    We manage our own rental properties by making the most of surplus assets that had been stocked up during our mass production in camera business.

News & Topics

What We Do

  • Imaging Devices

    Since 1953, we have developed and
    manufactured world’s first and peerless products
    monopolizing the world’s market shares.

  • International Trade

    We oversee international sales of
    GOKO brand products and import foreign items
    throughout our global strategy for 60 years.

  • Real Estate

    We manage our own rental properties and
    provide comprehensive building
    superintendent services as well.

  • Imaging Devices Division
  • International Trade Division
  • Real Estate Division